Thursday, March 24, 2011

"Friendship Addiction on Facebook"

Facebook to blame for 'friendship addiction'. (2008). Therapy Today, 19(9), 10. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

Psychologist suggest that Facebook is fueling insecurities in users: especially women and addicts. Women compare their self worth to how many friends they are aquiring on Facebook, and will go so far as to put provactive pictures of themselves to get them. Pschologist David Smallwood stated, " the site was unsuitable for people recovering from...addictions," because recovering addicts are more vunerable to 'friendship addiction', for the increase feelings of rejection through a friend request. If they are accepted they get a feeling of accomplishment a "high," but being denied or taking too long to accept the request is a whole other story. Being denied by someone creates that feeling of rejection and this could lead the addict down a road of destruction or even death.


  1. I've seen a lot of facebook profiles where girls have pictures on their profiles that are not appropriate just to try to get some attention from their friends on facebook. Facebook I feel is a way for people to compete against eachother on how many friends they have or how many comments they can receive. I like the comic that you chose.

  2. Facebook is crazy. How can one person have over 1000 friends? There is an old saying, if you say you have ten friends only two of them are true friends.

  3. This makes me wonder if in the future those who have had an addiciton and had been involoved in the law if they would be denied the right to have a Facebook page for fear that it would only set them up to fail...
